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Dideas' Staff participates in the LTT of GastroFish project in Palermo

During the week of 16-20 May we developed one of the Learning Teaching Training Activities conceived as part of the project "Increasing the Empowerment of Youth by Improving Digital E-Learning in Gastro-Fish" in Palermo, Sicily. It has been a wonderful experience that allowed the exchange and learning about the different stages that are part of the chain of marketing and consumption of fish, as well as the excellent nutritional qualities of this food and its health benefits.

As part of the agenda of activities we visited the historical market "Capo" located in Porta Carini, an emblematic space of the city dedicated to the sale of fresh fish from both the locality and other regions. A very instructive experience thanks to the help of a specialist who allowed us to immerse ourselves in the world of the fish trade and the different species that can be tasted in the region. All this was complemented by a visit to the municipal fish market in Palermo (Mercato Ittico), which from the early hours of the morning begins to move the fish that is sold and consumed in the city. There we appreciated the different customs and sales management formulas of the locals, as well as the main gastronomic preferences and their diverse origins.

We also enjoyed an immersion in the Pacific Ocean through the magic of new technologies that, thanks to virtual reality, allowed participants to immerse themselves in its waters and share spaces with the different species of the region, in a dialogue that sought to raise awareness about the protection of the marine environment and the action of mankind in it. Following this tour we also participated in a cooking class where we prepared Sarde a beccafico, a typical dish of the region based on sardines, breadcrumbs, lemon, sultanas, pine nuts, bay leaves and other ingredients. All the days were full of reflection and contributions from the participants with the aim of contributing to the development of the project, encouraging the consumption of fish and the participation of young people in the different industries linked to it. Of course, there was also a short walk to discover the historic centre of Palermo, a wonderful city thanks to its overlapping cultures and the joy of its people.

Our thanks to CEIPES for their warm welcome and for all the planning of these days!!!!

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