
The general objective of the project is to increase the employability of women between 18 and 30 years old from rural backgrounds, through the acquisition of digital communication skills, to be employed in the field of non-profit organizations. The consortium, after a careful analysis of needs carried out with the participation of stakeholders, has identified specific objectives functional to the achievement of the general purpose:
Specific Objective:
Transfer to learners digital skills related to basic communication strategies. At the end of the training course focused on "digital communication strategies", trainees will improve their communication skills by +60%;
Enable trainees to adapt the acquired skills to the specificities of non-profit organizations. Through 6 months of practice in non-profit organizations, trainees will acquire specific skills in the field of digital communication for non-profit organizations.
To develop the capacity of the consortium bodies and organizations belonging to the non-profit sector active in the VET field by providing training courses focused on non-formal methodologies, innovative and based on a dual approach, bringing VET trainees closer to the world of work. Thanks to the workshop that will see the new professionals as protagonists in the realization of a video course on "communication strategies of non-profit organizations", which will be fully integrated within the training offer of the organizations of the consortium within online training platforms, the organizations will be able to increase the quality and accessibility of their training offer.
The following activities of the project will involve Woman from 18 -25 years old coming from rural areas.