KA210-SCH Know your Carbon Footprint

We want to achieve
Raise the awareness of teachers and students about carbon footprint
Reduce the carbon footprint of target groups by taking easy precuations in their houses.
Raise the awareness about the importance of acting together to reduce carbon footprint
Promote an efficient consumption of food
Support teachers and students to explore the ways for reducing carbon footprint
Do environment friendly activities in the local and international area to shrink carbon footprints with students.
Our project consisting of four main activities which will be implemented in each partner countries.
Training of teachers/students and staff, will provided in the activities.
Teachers/staff will take active part in how to reduce their carbon foot print education program.
Seminars and information meetings will be held locally and international area.
Our project will be carried out on the eTwinning portal with partners from EuropeWithin the scope of dissemination work, news will be made in wide public